The World’s Best Investment Banks in Fintech 2020-2021

The World’s Best Investment Banks in Fintech 2020-2021

If first new technologies were the prerogative of innovational start-ups or small, medium businesses, now big companies have a need in fintech technologies as well. Big banks, corporates must move with the time to keep all clients because fintech makes the interaction process much easier. 

Deloitte in the report mentioned that banks need to change their approach to new contracts connected with fintech. They should be looking for new partnerships, business models to work efficiently with capital. Today we have a wide range of choices, trends to follow. In this article, we will find out about global fintech trends with the examples of the world’s best investment banks.  

Concentrating on the target audience

The foundation of the customers in the bank business is employed people in the age group from 23 to 38. They are millennials, their needs are way different from older generations. The satisfaction of the requirements of the young generation in the future will create a great, loyal base of regular users. For instance, young people use one kind of messenger and prefer to communicate with the help of them and older people choose another kind, so companies should use a lot of channels to keep in touch with all clients. Also, to meet potential demand companies could make special proposals. Such as invest in small or medium businesses, start-ups, or as Goodly did — give an opportunity to cover employees’ educational loan. 

One of the parts of the investment business is housing finance. The younger generation is unencumbered, mobile, so they are not ready to have eternal annual payment.

Chime — online bank in the USA with automatic payment accounts no-fee payments, and early payday via deposit. Service is concentrating on the most urgent needs of clients; they become one of the fastest growing banks in the USA.  

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Keep pace with time despite the fact how powerful and the famous bank is


At first, the biggest banks had access to information, according to technologies, innovations. It changed now due to free worldwide Internet access and instant communication. 

To keep customers every bank should provide better and better service every year, so technologies help. Such as the very famous Bank of America is one the biggest owners of the patent in fintech blockchain or JPMorgan Chase has approximately 50 thousand technologists in a company. Implementing modern structures could be very difficult due to strict legal rules, policy but living up to the client’s expectations is very important. 

Citi has been supported by 4 blockchain startups for 2 years already, has a lot of innovation research centers in different cities all around the world, and made an agreement with Google which helps them to use financial accounts through Google Pay. 

Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, OP Financial Group, SEB and Swedbank use system P27 to simplify transactions between countries with P27 cross-border online payment system and increase efficiency.  

Investing big money to make a good profit

Apple has a big asset, a high level of loyalty, an enormous base of clients, data, also they have a continuously working mechanism of innovations that is why can provide better service than banks. They presented their own Apple credit card in 2019. It is one of the reasons to start to invest bigger money in the fintech area to transform the system into customer-orientated. 

Fintech firms can easily help with it. Since 2018 more than 30 billion is spent each year in this industry. This number is only increasing. Due to the virus, people prefer to stay home and want to have any kind of service remotely to stay safe. 

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That is why investing money in digital banking is still very popular to compete. It is equally important to emphasize cybersecurity, digital identity management because of the transformation from the traditional system. The security of customer’s money, personal information is a major component of the trust of clients. It is highly capital-intensive. RevoluGROUP is a fintech company from Canada that has a licensed system in 27 countries. In 2020 it granted a PSD2 license which gave them the opportunity to become a banking service. Through this service clients can make payments for insurance or medical needs, phone and other kinds of bills, receive and send money anywhere in the world. 

AI influence in banking gradually increases

Robot holding laptop

AI helps to save money to invest in high-quality personal service. It is a popular method to use AI for preventing fraud, cheating, and recognizing, checking a person, answering common questions with the online bot.

There are several technologies to use AI in banking: 

  1. Digital banks. There is no need to go to the building with many people and queue because there are technologies to avoid it, such as stripe fintech that allows companies to make payments on the Internet without redirection in one click. 

  2. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. Even Facebook mentioned that they have plans to create their own currency. This method is one the best to prevent fraud, cheating. 

  3. Enterprise Tools, Software. It has two areas: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Cloud-Based Point of Sale (POS). Helps to track transactions, get information at any time from any place. 

  4. Insurance industry. Due to the modern world’s condition, the question of insurance is very relevant. Innovations help to make the process of formation easier, safer, simpler. 

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There could be many technologies according to the aims, customer’s wishes,  but using them including AI will be a great advantage in front of competitors. Nowadays Capital One, Citi, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Personetics, Quantexa, and US Bank are actively using AI. Business Insider Intelligence mentioned that savings for using AI for banks are estimated at 447 billion dollars by 2023. 

New technologies for paychecks

American Bankers Association mentioned that increasingly more than 70% of clients use financial accounts online, accordingly they have full access to controlling their paychecks. Startups help to get a salary even without a bank account.  

In 2020-2021, customer’s experience should be as comfortable and lucrative as possible. There are several methods to do it:

  • fintech apps;

  • individual payments options;

  • financial data. 

This experience develops a new generation of customers with great financial awareness. For instance, Lemon way is working with BNP Paribas, Barclays, Crédit Mutuel, Banco Sabadell as a provider of online payment solutions. 


If we talk about 2020-2021, there are several tendencies: track how the target audience changes, what needs they have, invest money in modern technologies without fear, using Artificial intelligence to make business lucrative, offer as comfortable paycheck systems as possible, try to be discoverer to be in competition with no-banking companies like Apple or Amazon. 

One of the fields of competence of Technorely is the fintech industry, we developed successful systems for more than 200 countries. We have a great experience in the:

  • financial system;

  • global financial data;

  • E-payment systems;

  • digital investments.

So if there are any questions you can always get a free consultation!

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