8 Reasons Why IT Outsourcing to Ukraine Could Be Profitable

8 Reasons Why IT Outsourcing to Ukraine Could Be Profitable

Outsourcing as a phenomenon in IT is very popular and highly successful today. For this reason it is widespread to be a part of a foreign company in Ukraine. Outsourcing is a transfer of certain functions in an organization to a third party. 

It could be: 

  • offshoring — basing of business or service in a foreign country, usually with better economic conditions, it could even be another continent;

  •  nearshoring — transferring business processes to the neighboring country, usually with common border;

  •  onshoring — relocation to another city in the same country. 

Outsourcing helps to decrease burden on business because of financial savings, make profitable international contacts, relieve the pressure of small, technical tasks on full-time offline employees in the office, focus on main ideas. Furthermore, outsourcing is about the high-quality partnership between company-employer and the third-party provider. There could be various outsourcing services: 

  • remote administration;

  • maintenance of a digital database;

  • computer and server maintenance;

  • network maintenance. 

The IT business in Ukraine now is fast-growing and enterprising that is why there are several advantages for outsourcing here. Partnership with Ukraine could offer undeniable advantages despite some risks.

In this article, we look at 8 of the greatest advantages of IT outsourcing to Ukraine. 

1. Comparatively low cost of work 

One of the most popular reasons why companies decide to use outsourcing services is a desire to save money. In spite of the fact that IT professionals are one of the most highly-paid specialists in Ukraine it is still pretty cheap in comparison with the same work in other countries.

Piggybank in the shape of a pig with glasses

It could be the whole project, or only some part, even if we talk about operating an offline office it will be very sparing. Moreover, it is super easy to find a professional Ukrainian lawyer with international experience to make all agreements and it will still not be very expensive. 

2. High level of competence 

Ukraine has a lot of universities and courses for IT specialists and academic qualifications are comprehensive. That is why quite a big part of young people have free access to education. There are more than 200 higher education institutions. They can develop good theoretical skills with the help of university studying and practical skills with the help of some projects and internships, academic mobility. As a result, we get a pro-active young specialist with excellent theoretical foundations, basic practical skills and desire to develop themselves in the professional field. 

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Ukraine takes one of the first places in the number of IT specialists in Europe. There were more than 185000 workers and 4000 companies in 2018. The quantity of employees in IT is projected to increase to 220000 by 2020.

Speaking of senior experts, a lot of Ukrainian companies already have big international experience, so the process of cooperation will be easy. It is potential to alleviate the burden placed on key staff. Some years ago it was necessary to make a complicated process of legally transferring a new professional into a team, because of geographical borders, visas, extra spending for family members of this employee, but it is much easier now with the help of online communications.  

3. Great geographical location 

Ukraine is located almost in the center of Europe. There are a lot of convenient transport routes, airports in the big cities.

Cardinal points

Consequently, all work trips will be comfortable and transporting of some equipment too. Foreign companies could easily combine a work trip and traveling because there are many places of interest, the sea, the mountains. It is equally important that in Ukraine there is usually no extreme weather.

4. High-speed internet access 

Internet access is the undeniable foundation of every IT business, that is why this factor is one of the most important. First of all, internet access in Ukraine is quite cheap but still high-quality. An employer can choose from different internet service providers in every region: more in the capital of Ukraine (Kyiv) and big cities, and less in small villages and towns. So, if the employer wants to get the internet it will take a few hours to find a provider and create an agreement, so there is no problem at all. It is much more affordable than in other countries, for instance in the USA or even Europe not all sectors of society could have high-speed internet.

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5. Time zone 

Time zone in Ukraine is GMT+2. So, cooperation with companies from Europe is comfortable because the working hours are approximately the same. If we talk about the USA, there is quite a  big time difference, but still a lot of employees are ready to work from 14 to 23, which is comfortable for US businesses.


To make these working hours more comfortable, companies could provide workers with transport to get home at late hours. It is much easier with remote workers because they only need  access to the internet and computer, so there is no need to keep the office running or provide transport.  

6. International experience 

The cultural difference could be a big priority in different projects. For instance, specialists from different countries could create a non-standard method of solving a technical issue or problem, creating fresh ideas. Moreover, if we talk about a huge international company there is no competition inside the team or with other companies on the same level, all work for the general outcome and profit. So, there are no usual economic threats as in ordinary business. 

Outsourcing is one of the ways of the globalization process in the IT field. Expansion in the sphere of influence allows opening a foreign market with the help of international partners. 

Moreover, there is no need for professional translators, because there is no communication/language barrier. If we talk about Ukrainian workers they usually have a middle or high level of English language, so it will not be a problem to build easy communication between teams.

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7.Non-recurrent projects 

There is no need to create a separate office; it could be a list of specialists for one-time projects. Another plus of remote workers is the flexibility of recruitment because not all employees in the company are constantly engaged in the work but still need salary and employment benefits.

Remote worker

Outsourcing allows seeking assistance from the third party if it is necessary. You could have a team to develop the whole project or 1-2 narrow-profile specialists. It will help the employer to save time and money.

8. Saving time 

It can be very difficult to find a place and time for a meeting which will be convenient for all members of the team. We all found out during isolation that a lot of communication processes could be done online. Moreover, if the employer works with remote employees there are some programs for tracking working time. With the help of them, the hirer pays only for a precise number of hours. Moreover, employees will get deadlines, it makes work more productive and scheduled.   


As we can see, there are several advantages of outsourcing to Ukraine because outsourcing is a privileged opportunity in a modern, globalized world. So, if you want to create a profitable, professional project with minimum cost and at the same time open up a new market, travel and have international experience, outsourcing in Ukraine will be a great solution.  

Technorely is one of the companies you can create an outsourcing partnership with. We are a reliable IT partner to start your cooperation in the following fields: 

  • Fintech industry; 

  • Healthcare industry;

  • Blockchain industry;

  • Industrial software. 

Get a free consultation right now! 

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