
Unique Aerial Scouting Cloud Platform






8 people


Sofia, Bulgaria

< The brief >

Skyglyph is a company specializing in the development of cloud-based software (Skyglyph) and industrial surveillance solutions that transform drones into concise instruments to deploy in a wide range of business use cases, mainly in insurance companies.




  • UI/UX

  • Mobile

  • Web

  • Business Analysis

  • Backend

  • Microservices


  • Up to 10 times decrease to process a claim for an insurance event.

  • Up to 5% surveying and assessment cost reduction.

  • 15-30% decrease in loss of the insurance payouts.

  • 10% reduction in fraudulent claim payouts.

< Business challenges >

Skyglyph needed a solution to help the insurance companies employ drones for an easy and efficient assessment process, even without an Internet connection. The requested features: performing the scouting process, management of flight control, asset mapping, site monitoring, data transfer, and visual result interpretation.

< Achievements >
The solution helps the insurance companies to save time and money, accelerate the claim cycle, and avoid fraud
It is now widely used in Germany and Poland
As a result of successful long-term cooperation with Technorely, Skyglyph won the StartUp InsurTech Award at the annual Digital Insurance Asia Conference 2017
Viktor Yermak Founder Skyglyph
The project was initiated and completed very quickly, with the launch done within three months of its beginning. Technorely provided Android mobile application development, working on the design, backend, and QA. The app`s users are pleased with its offerings, as it perfectly provides all expected features. The team communicated effectively at all times and produced high-quality work.
< Next case studies >
< Order service >
phone number: +1 (778) 325-2991
headquarters: British Columbia
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