
The Worldwide Security Token Investment Platform






4 people


Victoria, Mahé

< The brief >

Korporatio is the first company in the world to enable fully legal companies through Blockchain Technology on Ethereum. The client wanted to create a system that would connect the Blockchain technology with the currently existing business and jurisdictions and implement a centralized model for decentralized technology to be able to decrease the time of response within the company or jurisdictions.




  • Dedicated Team


  • The Korporatio system is now fully working business software.

  • It helps businesses to decrease the time to send requests and sign documents to the client`s incorporation agent.

  • This system helps to manage company governance paperless via your dedicated dashboard associated with Smart Company.

  • It can be easily integrated with the current client ERP system.

< Business challenges >

The client had a basic version of the current system, which could not be further scaling and was hard to update and maintain due to poorly written architecture. He needed high-quality specialists who could create a new architecture of the system with similar logic and the ability to scale and update easily.

< Achievements >
Since Technorely re-updated Korporatio system and has been actively maintaining it, the number of clients has increased x6 times and now it counts users from 14 countries
The number of Smart Companies has increased drastically since the launch
The main sectors these companies are operating: Blockchain; Fintech; Tech Startups; Commodities production; E-commerce; Games production.
Stefano Covolan Founder Korporatio
Technorely provided a valuable solution, helping users reduce costs associated with company governance fees. The team’s efforts supported the platform’s expansion into new industries and locations. A committed partner, they encourage improvements outside their scope of work to deliver results.
< Next case studies >
< Order service >
phone number: +1 (778) 325-2991
headquarters: British Columbia
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