
The World's Most Advanced White Glove Delivery Network




Logistics and Supply Chain


2 people


Bayonne, NJ

< The brief >

Deliveright is a unique logistics company that successfully implemented a technological solution in the logistics industry and keeps building technological platforms to provide the premier white glove delivery service in the US. Nowadays, the solution has developed into a customizable industry-leading platform provided to companies throughout the U.S.




  • Mobile

  • Business Analysis

  • UI/UX


  • Instant price quotes by providing just a few pieces of information

  • All-in, transparent pricing: no receiving or inspection charges, no fuel surcharges

  • Real-time tracking on all orders

  • Automated scheduling of delivery, with follow-up confirmations

  • Electronic PODs provided in real-time

< Business challenges >

The software had to offer the functionality for drivers, warehouse staff and the client. The client`s original system required constant support and had many problems with connectivity resulting in the loss of data and system malfunctioning.

< Achievements >
The app was so successful that other delivery companies have taken notice of this delivery platform
Today, Deliveright licenses its software to companies throughout the U.S.
Many companies report substantial improvements in their operations since they started using the software
Ori Anavim Founder Deliveright Logistic, Inc
The high-quality apps led to more efficient deliveries and more rapid support. Technorely ensured a smooth collaboration from start to finish with clear communication and quick responses. The team’s timely delivery also contributed to a successful engagement.
< Next case studies >
< Order service >
phone number: +1 (778) 325-2991
headquarters: British Columbia
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